Life Lessons
by Ricky Allmon
Living in full effectiveness
31 Proverbs for a Life of Purpose & Productivity

Your LIFE is speaking, are you listening?
Understand, Life is an intrinsic Teacher, Mentor and Guide. But, in order to benefit from the Lessons that life provides, we must recognize when to pay attention to the process.
Lifelessons takes you on a journey of personal discovery and development, that will empower you to use your experiences, fears and failures, to create a transformative life of purpose and productivity.
I didn’t write this book as a Scholar…Theologian…Pastor…Mentor…Entrepreneur, but as a Man…Husband…Friend, who wants to do Life well, and help others get the most out of their life.
This Book is designed for the EVERYDAY Person, who wants to get EVERYTHING out of Life!
- Dr. Ricky Allmon
To learn more about Ricky Allmon visit